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NuRah Allah


I was born with a fire inside to know the truth.  


I have always wanted to know where my roots originated.  I remember hearing brother Malcom X talk about where we came from and it was not America and that our histroy did not begin with slavery.  I wondered where I my ancestors came from and had a special feeling for Kemet.  

I decieded that since I could not know exactly from where I came I would claim the whole of Africa.  For a long time I thought Egypt/Kemet was the orgin of civilization along with Sumer and Mesopotamia.  However, I have lately discovered that the Nile Valley civilizations came from up river where the Nile began.....which would be the Uganda area of the great lakes.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think technology would open up the door to us finding our ancestral orgins, but that is exactly what happened.  First I sent for a test with that gave me areas where my DNA shows up.  This was not good enough for me, I wanted to know exactly if possible where I came or my ancestors came from.  So I sent for a kit from and in about a month or so, I was sent a packet that said I was Tikar from Cameroon, and it was a 100% surety.  

I was so happy, I told my coworkers and friends, my children and family.  Then I wondered what I should do with this knowledge.  I decided to go online and look for Tikar groups.  I found some and I also contacted the Cameroon embassy and told them what happened and said I would like to visit.  I heard nothing for several months and was getting concerned, when some Tikar people started to fb friend me and say hello.  

One day I received a email from the Cameroon Edmbassy saying I am welcome in Cameroon.  I also got a call from Prince Delaure Delwanda who welcomed me as a Tikar member from the diaspora. I was invited to some of the Tikar groups I did not know existed and made many friends.  As we talked about our dreams for Africans and the Tikar people, I mentioned how many Africans in America from the diaspora would love to come home.  Little did I know, but

Delaure spoke with the Tikar Kings, Chiefs, and people and they agreed to invite diaspora Africans home, who know not their clans or tiribes.  When he told me I was so overjoyed and happy that he felt the same a I and also offered some land to us for being Tikar. How sweet and kind is that? 

I am so delighted that the Tikar people have offered us a place in their family.  I understand them welcoming us who are lost Tikar, but to open their hearts and doors to non-Tikar and offer them to be a apart of their family has filled my heart with so much joy and appreciation. We have often thought we would not be welcomed home, or would have to fight for a place, but to be welcomed and embraced as those returned home from the lost, is heartwarming.  I feel love and I hope my people will take advantage of this opportunity.

This is.just the begining and I hope that next year there will be more Tikar who want to come home for the naming ceremony and to celebrate with your ancestral family, you can get land and familly love.  You can share what you have learned and help others to grow in knowledge that you have acquired.  You may want to stay or just come back for summers or vacations.  This will be your home and your family will be here to help and enjoy your person, to share stories and wisdom and lifes lessons and adcademic or technical know how.  We can help return our kingdom to heights the west has never known.  



 "Yes, we are Tikar forever"

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