1 Tikar 4 All
Diaspora Development Projects
Water/Wells/Education/Health Projects
How can we do our best to help our people back home aleviate their suffering, proverty, and create sustainable living conditions ? How do we create conditions that will not only empower but will also create conditions of hope and set up a precedent for their own betterment.
Is it normal that in the 21st century children and village populations don't have access to clean water, can not attend school because parents can not afford the fees and school supplies? When they are lucky enough to attend school some of them find themselves taking lessons in school under trees and during rainy season they have to stay home.
Are we not so ashamed when we see young kids going to school with no shoes, no pencils, and no shirts......going back home to poor parents that cannot give them the minimum amount of their daily nutrition? It's a shame to watch young parents unable to provide for their children, take them to orphanages, or watching young children walking miles every day to get water before school and then walking more miles to attend school. The schools have crowded classes and teachers are severly underpaid, they have to use their own salary to pay for pencils and other school supplies.
It is a shame to watch young kids dying at early age because of lack of medicine and lack of vaccinations to prevent simple illnesses, like maleria and tetanus.After observing all those situations and more, I like many other people in the diaspora feel that by working together, in the spirit of unity and by pooling our resources we can start to address some of these issues, providing necessary and needed solutions for our people.
That is why I, like other brothers and sisters in the diaspora strongly believe each of us can make a difference, and by doing this we will have contributed to the development of mankind.
I, like other people in the diaspora believe we can help by focusing our attention to raise enough funds to at least be able to do simple project like water project work to provide each village in Tikar a well of clean water.
We can together collect enough supplies to make it easier for our children to attend a next school year with a full backpack of school supplies. We can launch a drive to collect enough supplies of clothes shoes towels, blankets, canned foods and medicine and medical supplies. We can help fight against computer literacy by providing computers printers to each school and help each of them in each village and secondary school to have a small library.
We at the diaspora with a will can provide and build orphanage schools clinics centers and once a year go back home with a group of volunteers in the medical fields and business fields to help and serve as mentors to the youth.
We can build a Tikar library and museum to protect and keep all the products of our culture for generation to come. Yes we can and should build empowerment centers and trade centers to train youth and women to be self independent through accelerated educational courses, like teaching accelerated CNA courses for future nurses in 6 weeks and then help them find a job in a medical field. Teach young people how to make yogurt and hamburgers and how to keep their books and run a small business
Yes, my dream is yours I see a better future for our people back home and with the help and contribution of each of us, each person doing his best to help we can all make the Tikars, our people in Cameroon, and Africa, a better place to live.
Oh yes, the sky is the limit, we just have to stick to each other and keep hope alive.
Vision share by Prince: Delaure Justin Delwanda
Founder and administrator of 1tikar4all.wix.com/1tikar-4-all
contact 1tikar4all@gmail.com