1 Tikar 4 All
Editorial: Prince Delaure Justin Delwanda Founder and Administrator of 1tikar4all
Two men of wisdom were having a conversation, one said, "Everything begins with a vision" and the other responded by saying, "If your dream is not big enough to scare you that means you are not really dreaming and you have no vision".
As a proud son of the Tikar tribe in the beautiful and peaceful country of Cameroon, I have a vision and a dream like many of you, to acheive great heights and empower our people. I believe in thinking positive and championing any cause that unites us as one. We are blessed to be born different and unique. Our uniqueness is an asset and it demonstrates to all our pessimists that are so fast to criticize that nothing can be done and everything is destined to fail, that they are wrong. Our history is full of examples of people that have built an empire out of nothing. We should never underestimate the power of people that are motivated and are determined to accomplish. I am convinced that by working together as a team we can restore our nation back to its lost glory.
I have questioned myself many times in life about my uniqueness, culture, diversity and why some cultures are more superior to others. What makes one culture better then the other? Where we really once was a great civilization, as I was told, so what went wrong? Why was I born black instead of white? How is it that among all the tribes in the world I was given to the Tikar? What is my true identity? How can I trace my roots and really be in peace with myself? Why is it that I did not have a say to pick out my parents, family, trive, etc.? Did anyone ask for my opinion before I was conceived and brought forth into the world?
Yes, we all at a certain point in our lives have unanswered questions about our true identity and set out in search of our true identity and our values as a person, or as a group. Yes, we all have faced identity crisis. Not questioning ourselves and challenging ourselves is a result of the fear of the unknown. The answer may not be what we are looking for. We like our comfort zones and status quo and many times we refuse to think outside the box and face the true reality of life.
I have come to realize that we are the artist and sculptor of what we want to be in life. What motivates us and form our values is a result of many uncontrollable circumstances beyond our control. We have to take ownership of our destiny and move forward.
I stand here as a fine and proud Tikar and Bamileke Prince of Cameroon, Africa. I am seizing this opportunity to announce to you that a team of us have started a well thought out initiative that will take us back to our roots and closer to our descendants.....yes, operation return back to our homeland, the land of our forefathers. It is time for us to give back to our people. We possess the knowledge and the expertise to transform our own land and make it a place where life is beautiful.
It is our responsibility and moral duty to lift up our people and to beautify our homeland for generations to come. We cannot expect to be paid and receive any compersation for years of unjustified slavery and exploitation of our minerals, wealth and natural resources. We have decided to give back to our people by tracing their long lost brothers and sisters and be reunited again for the betterment and healing for our nation. We are indeed direct descendants of some of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever known.
God did not make a mistake when he dicided to make us Tikar, Bamilekes, Cameroonians and Africans. We are proud to be Tikar and African. God has a great plan and vision for us and our continent. We are not just pretty but our soil is the richest on the planet.
It is time to let our people know that we are thinking about them with love and compassion. The development of new technologies like DNA test results, the advancement of information technologies in communication have provided us today with the tools to have a true global village in one location.
The need for a website was created to unite all of us and as a starting point in a long journey across oceans back home to the lands of our ancestors in Cameroon, Africa. The website will unite our people of all the seven villages of Tikar, our people in the United States of America, Canada, Brazil, Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Jamaica and Australia who are bound by the same DNA. We are Tikars forever. Our webiste is "1 Tikat 4 All".
1Tikar 4 All is a one stop avenue where we all can find ourselves. We have launched this website in the spirit of unity and tolerance. This is a place where we all can come and share our dreams and visions, a carrefour as the French will say, a "juncture" and a gateway for great things to come. This will be a forum to share all our laughter and cries, educate ourselves, tease each other, lean about our common heritage and bond with other members. 1 Tikar 4 All is aspiring to lead, our efforts to reclaim our dignity and make our people shine again. 1 Tikar 4 All is like a mother who never gives up until all her lost sons and daughters all over the world are reconnected again as one big family.
I believe that as one family it is time for each of us to take the opportunity to make a difference. Anything that you may have learned that can help to open the eyes of your people please feel free to bring it here to the table. We pledge to work together in unity and harmony by accepting each other with all our differences of opinions, methodologies, and personalities.
1 Tikar 4 All is a place that we can showcase to the world some of our greatest traditions of pride as direct descendants of gernerations of Kings and Queens. 1 Tikar 4 All will provide you with updated information about projects, undertakings, news related to the Tikar people and actions we are taking for the renaissance and rebirth of our culture such as organizing our frist ever family reunion/Tikar festival/ Operation Back to Africa in December 2015.
The Tikar kings in the true spirit of love and compassion for all the descendants of the Bantus will be hosting for the first time this December 2015, a first ever held family reunion and Tikar festival in order to celebrate our reconnection to the mother land of Africa. The kings have decided to adopt all African-Americans as Tikar and give them the oportunity to own a piece of land in a Tikar village free of charge as a way to say thank you for coming back to your roots and being a part of the renaissance of Tikar civilization.
We want all of you to be part of this great movement and to take pride in starting an awareness that will benefit many generations to come. Two centuries from now the Tikar story will be rewritten for your great grandchildren to be proud of. Your great grandchildren will say their schools, libraries, clinics, bridges, radio station, museums, orphanages, hospital etc,. was built by my grandma and grandpa. Your name and family will play an active role in all projects that will be implemented in Taikar planes.
Please join us to be a part of a team that will empower our people and better their lives. We are all empowered to make a difference. The time is now! In the spirit of unity and friendship please join me to do all you can in your different capacities to contribute your time, talents and resources for the betterment of mankind. We will receive enormous blessings for our contributions to this great cause.
I welcome you in the Tikar language, Ki louen bouessseu nkoudji.
For information contact Notable Delaure Delwanda at 1tikar4all@gmail.com
Attention: To the Africans born in America whose ancestors were forced into slavery, a very wonderful event is occuring. This year in December of 2015 the Tikar famiy has come together with the villagers and have offered to adopt us into the Tikar Tribes. Some of us have had our DNA tested and found that we are Tikar, our ancesters came from this family. If you do not know your ancestral home and have wanted to belong to an African people, then you have found your family. The Tikar are offering you a way back to your ancestral family. All you have to do is join us in Cameroon, for this festive occasion. You will receive an ancestral name and a peice of land to call your own.
Isn't that the way we have always wanted it to be? We are the prodigal son and daugher come home. Join us Africans born in America who discovered we are Tikary. Come home my people. Think about it for the time is soon. You can do it. This is an offer made in Heaven. Nurah Allah