1 Tikar 4 All
Tikar Festival
Deceber 26 - Jan 6, 2015
The association of all the Tikar Kings, working with a new generation of young Tikar elites and Tikars from the diaspora, have decided to raise the Tikar flag high again.
In that spirit, for the first time the Tikar kings will be hosting the first ever Tikar festival in Bankim in early December 2015, to serve as a pilgrimage for all Tikars all over the world. We want them to come and bond with their/our ancestors and celebrate the renaissance of the Tikar culture and civilization. The Tikar is one of the greatest African tribes in the world.
The Tikar tradition of hospitality is well known in Africa and makes a Tikar place one of excellence that any African-American can call home. It is in the spirit of this tradition that the Tikar Kings and the villagers have decided to adopt African-Americans and give them a peice of land to have a place in Africa that he or she can call thier own home.
For more information contact: Delaure Delwanda at 1tikar4all@gmail.com
Feburary 28, 2015
General Assembly of Chiefs in Bankim
Yesterday in Bankim the Chiefs came together to plan for the coming festivale to be held in Bankim in December 2015.
First Tikar Family Reunion
July 24 thru July 26, 2015
Where: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
We will be staying at the Sheration in Chapel Hill, NC.
Friday evening be prepared to tell us a little about yourself. What possessed you to find you ancestral heritage? Watch some movies about Cameroon and the Tikar people. Litsten to some Tikar and Cameroon music.
Saturday after breakfast, meet with us to find out more about the Festival in December. Information will be provided about the internary for the First Tikar Cameroonian Reunion and Return of the Tikar in Diaspora and sign up for the trip in December on 26 - Janurary 6, 2016. Tikar dinner will be served and music, dancing and socializing.
Sunday after breakfast, meet with us to hear Princess Lika and Notable Ambassador Prince Delaure give us a few words on their feelings about the recent events and get the message from the Tiakr Kings. There will be more videos and music if you are not leaving Sunday to return home.
For those who are staying there will be music and videos to watch about Cameroon or you may want to do some things on your own.
We hope to see you there.